I was able to talk to my carer and tell her what I would like to do tomorrow while showing her my new folders which by the way she loves! Also I was starting to get agitated after waiting for the show to start we had only waited a couple of minutes but it was a couple of minutes too much for me! I really struggle with waiting as I can't see an end to it I began to throw my head backwards but managed to stop myself from doing anything else I told my carer I didn't like the waiting and was soon out of the situation. Meltdown avoided CHECK!
After the show it became really crowded and I couldn't cope so I quickly told my carer I needed some quiet time before closing my eyes to avoid sensory overload! After I had calmed down we was back on track choosing where to go it was good fun being in charge!
To my surprise my guess who page came into use upstairs with a game so I was able to play that as well with ease even when someone came over to try and take my turn away from me my carer told them we was playing and I continued to be able to talk to her when usually I would have immediately closed down and gone mute in that situation but I didn't I was so proud!
Overall a GREAT day not been poorly avoided meltdowns I would take that as a very successful day!!
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