Saturday, 5 December 2015

How rewards help me speak

When I first got my communication device I was so used to not talking we soon realised it was going to take some hard work to get me to 'talk' so my mom and carers worked on something I liked to do...... Going to a cafe at the park and asking for a Diet Coke.  

I did this same thing for quite a while until I was then able to move the Diet Coke to different places like restaurants and supermarkets. Until I became confident and understood that if I did good communication I got something back which I loved ice cold Diet Coke! 

We still use this method now when I have been good and communicated rather than grunted and got frustrated with mom for not understanding I get to have a drink somewhere with a red straw of course! That's an ongoing battle! 

Here is my star chart the idea is I earn a star for every communication effort I make when I get 6 I get a reward can easily be adapted to suit anyone whatever works for you! 

Bouncy pony! 

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